You made it! Congrats, Senior!

It’s your Senior year, Can you believe it?! The year you have been waiting so patiently for, the year you will look back on decades from now and reminisce about all the fun times you had with friends, the year you will wish just for a day you could go back and relive! Let me capture you in this very moment, do you play a sport? have a Hobby? or just love to get dressed up? Let's parade you around Louisville for an hour or two and have a full fledged fashion shoot capturing your very own personality. I look forward to hearing from you and learning about your vision for this shoot. CONGRATS SENIOR… You made it, this year will go by very fast so just soak it all in and live in each and every moment!

Ladies, ever wanted to have a Fashion Shoot with your Best Gals? Let’s do it, Heck why not?